Was ist sch (trigraph)?

"sch" is a trigraph in several languages, including German and Dutch. It is a combination of the letters "s" and "ch" that is pronounced as a single sound.

In German, "sch" is pronounced as the voiceless postalveolar fricative /ʃ/, similar to the "sh" sound in English. This sound can be found at the beginning of words like "Schule" (school) or "schön" (beautiful), as well as in the middle or at the end of words like "Fisch" (fish) or "wachsen" (to grow).

In Dutch, "sch" is pronounced as the voiceless postalveolar fricative /sx/. This is a similar sound to the "ch" at the end of the Scottish word "loch" or the Spanish word "jalapeño". Examples of words with "sch" in Dutch are "school" (school) or "schaap" (sheep).

The trigraph "sch" is frequently used in both languages and is an important part of their respective phonetic systems.
